Safety Products

Please be sure to read the product label of any insecticide you choose to use to get information on the personal protective safety gear you will need. In most situations, it is recommended that you wear long pants, a long sleeved shirt, closed toe shoes with socks, chemical resistant gloves, and goggles. In areas where ventilation is poor, a manufacturer may recommend you wear a mask or a respirator. We have put together two different safety kits that will make selecting the correct safety gear easier for you.

Lawn Care Tips

How to Care For Your Lawn During the Summer

By DoMyOwn staff


Tip 1

Be on the Lookout for Common Lawn Diseases

It's time to be on the lookout for lawn diseases. June will often bring the right conditions, like increasing humidity and higher heat, which provide good developmental conditions for several lawn diseases, like brown patch and dollar spot. Make sure you're paying close attention to your lawn, and thoroughly inspect and monitor any suspicious areas like patches of dead or dying grass, damaged or chewed grass blades, etc.
Tip 2

Mow Higher to Protect Grass From Heat

The summer heat is on its way, and your grass will dry out and brown much more quickly. To prolong your turf's color and prevent it from drying out, consider keeping grass to about three inches (versus the typical 2 to 2.5 inches). Remember, if you let your grass grow too long, only take 1/3 of the total height off at each mow, lowering blade at each mow to get your grass back to the desired length.
Tip 3

Aim to Water Lawn at 1-inch Per Week

If you have chosen to keep your lawn green all summer, it will probably require about an inch of water per week to maintain the color and appearance you'd like. Aim to get one inch of water on your lawn in only one or two watering sessions.
Tip 4

Aerate Now for Warm Season Grasses

Core aeration brings so many benefits to your lawn, including loosening compaction, allowing better airflow, stimulating root growth, and even increasing drought tolerance. For warm season lawns, now is the time to aerate.
Tip 5

Always Monitor Your Lawn for Abnormalities

We're coming up to the height of lawn pest problems, diseases, and weather damage, so being on top of your lawn's health is extremely important. Don't assume a brown patch is just drought damage, or that a thinning area is just from foot traffic. Always do a thorough inspection to rule out a pest or disease, or to confirm your suspicions. Awareness of potential problems will help you remedy them quickly and return your lawn to its best.


Tip 1

Avoid Over-Fertilization for a Healthy Lawn

Healthy lawns often receive a fertilizer application in the summer. You might be tempted to fertilize more than once, but the new, tender grass shoots that may sprout up from the application could brown and die quickly from the hot, dry weather. Over-fertilizing also causes an uneven appearance. Follow the lawn care schedule for your area for best results.
Tip 2

Be Cautious When Applying Post-Emergent Weed Products

Post-emergent herbicides can be used in July, but if temperatures exceed 85 degrees, they can damage your grass. Pay attention to the weather and take care when applying to avoid lawn damage.
Tip 3

Water Early in the Day to Avoid Damp Grass

Watering early in the morning, from about 3 AM to 7 AM, will allow the sunlight to dry any water left on the grass blades. If the water is allowed to remain on the blades, it can encourage lawn diseases.
Tip 4

Monitor for Drought Stress

Drought stress may be unavoidable, depending on the weather and watering restrictions in your area, but keep in mind that a drought stressed lawn is more susceptible to pest and disease damage. Monitor any drought stressed areas in your lawn for signs of pest or disease problems, so you can treat accordingly and prevent further damage.
Tip 5

Dog Damage or Drought? Know the Signs

Drought damage is common in many lawns in July, but damage from dog urine or feces can cause similar looking yellowed grass. Drought damage will green up after it has been watered. Dog damage is very localized, and healthy, green grass surrounds the yellowed areas. To avoid dog damage, rinse out any urine and pick up droppings quickly.


Tip 1

Continue Using Post-Emergent Herbicides for Minor Weed Problems

If you are still dealing with a few weeds here and there, keep applying post-emergent weed killers on your weeds. If you seem to have a major weed problem on your hands, consider waiting until next spring to control them with pre-emergent applications, as post-emergent products will likely not give you the results you want at this point in the year.
Tip 2

Begin Pre-Emergent Herbicide Applications Now to Prevent Winter Weeds

You can begin applying a pre-emergent herbicide application to your yard now to help combat winter weeds. You might need two applications for good control, especially if you choose to apply now.

Products needed for Tip 2

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Tip 3

Aerate Compacted Lawns Now

Summer can bring high traffic to your lawn, which can be hard on it. Compaction, when the soil gets tamped down tightly, occur. Aerate now to increase air, water, and nutrient movement through the soil. This will also help to encourage deeper root growth.
Tip 4

Pay Attention to Grass, Mowing Only When Needed

You may have finally come up with a mowing schedule, but pay attention to your grass before mowing. Is it as long as usual? Is it looking a bit dry? If it's growing slower, skip a mow. The cooling temps will eventually slow down growth. It may still be very hot in your area, so if grass is looking dry, try increasing the length of your grass can help it recover, so raise the mowing height.
Tip 5

Overseed to Help Fill in Thinning or Damaged Areas of Your Lawn

Mid to late August is a good time to overseed your lawn to repair thinning or damaged areas. The overseeding will help these areas recover, and grass should be able to grow well in the cooler temperatures of late summer/ early fall.

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